Our Snow Products

Faux Falling Snow Machine

  • Ideal for: Indoor or outdoor events at any temperature with a firm date.
  • Makes fake falling snow at any temperature
  • Fake falling snow does not accumulate leaving no residue behind
  • Machine can be placed on a table or the floor
  • Requires a standard outlet, battery pack available upon request.
  • Blows snow up to 15 ft in the air
  • No water supply needed
  • 24 Hour Rental with 2 hours of runtime only $125!

Faux Snow Ground Cover

  • Ideal for: Indoor or outdoor events at any temperature with a firm date.
  • Ready made for fast, easy set up for your event
  • Doesn’t require a machine
  • Requires removal
  • $75 5ft pool

Call us at (270) 594-3639 or message us on our Facebook page for pricing!

Additional Accessories:

Real Snow Machine

  • Ideal for: Outdoor winter time activities and events that have flexible dates
  • Covers 40′ x 80′ area, 3+” deep in 6 hours
  • 270Snow is available to setup and manage the machine upon request for additional fee
  • Requires two standard outlets and one garden hose connection
  • $500 24 hour rental includes unlimited runtime

30 ft Igloo
10 x 10 Igloo

Christmas Vacation Movie Saucer, ELF Movie Saucer, Snowboard, and Commercial Saucer.

  • Cocktail tables for Falling Snow Machines or Igloo (Free with rental)
  • Battery pack for Fake Falling Snow Machines for parades or photoshoots ($20 with rental)

Call us at (270) 594-3639 or message us on our Facebook page for pricing!